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The MHLK collective: four women connected by their love of landscape design and their passion for plants.

lois moxon-holt

julia hill


garden designer

"A third career change that was never meant to be but one that allowed me to combine my background in plant science with my passion for gardening and art. When I can’t be found in front of my screen developing outside spaces, I tend to be on my allotment. On the allotment I love to paint, grow edible crops and cut flowers, and hide out from the cold by relax- ing in my shed with a cup of tea and a book."

Lois graduated with Distinction in Garden Design from KLC School of Design

garden designer

 "My transition into the industry is rooted in a creative background and an appreciation of the outdoors. I love being able to make spaces for people to enjoy, entertain and relax in as well as experiment with ideas, planting combinations and materials, while being sympathetic to location and being aware of incorporating sustainable practices."

Julia graduated with Distinction in Garden Design from KLC School of Design

saskia little


garden designer

“A pandemic impulse decision mulled over for four years prior, my journey to Garden and Landscape design has its roots in my background in Fine Art, love of nature and gardening and the impetus to create.”

Saskia graduated with Distinction in Garden Design from KLC School of Design

sophie knittel


garden designer

“The appeal of combining my love of horticulture and aesthetics with the sentiment of contributing positively to the environment with sustainable practices drove me to this new career. I want to create beautiful outdoor spaces that have a positive impact on people's lives.”

Sophie graduated with Distinction in Garden Design from KLC School of Design

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